✖︎ 3 spots left in september ✖︎

Business Alignment Audit

Ever wish you could have someone just look at your business and tell you how to fix it? Well, here's your chance!

If you're having trouble with a lack of sales and inconsistent revenue, this is for you!

For a limited time, you can grab this for $99!

Are you ready for a breakthrough?

Think of the Business Alignment Audit like you're taking your business to the mechanic. This is your chance to get my eyeballs on your business and tell you exactly what I would do in order to help you figure out what's broken or not functioning the best way so you can make more sales and book more clients!


You can expect more than a few ‘aha’ moments

Have you been pouring your heart and soul into your business yet still feel completely stuck?

You feel like you have been spinning your wheels and can’t get a break even though you’ve been putting in the work.

It may be because the actions you are taking in your business aren’t actually aligned with your unique entrepreneurial energy.

And when you discover and align to your Soul Business Blueprint… that’s when the magic happens!

Most coaches and courses teach you how to run your business based on other people's strategies and what worked for them. 

My approach is radically different; 

I help you discover YOUR OWN unique business blueprint and teach you how to align to it.


Regular price $259

What happens after you purchase?


Complete the confidential diagnostic form so I can get the full picture of what you need help with.


Once I receive your information and go over it in great detail. You will receive a video of me sharing my screen, discussing the findings, what is out of alignment and what is necessary for you to shift your business into alignment.


Your personalized video will arrive within 3 business days after submit the form so you can start implementing the guidance I offer to you. Yes it really is that easy!


I understand what it is like to be running your business and feel like nothing is working. We begin to think that something is wrong with us, or we are just stuck in a rut.

I have over 25+ years experience in business and entrepreneurship, but I always hit this upper limit, getting past 5 figures seemed impossible. And when I followed the old school advice from my education, of working harder, more strategy, I ended up spinning my wheels and getting really frustrated (not okay for this Sacral 4/6 Generator!)

Took learning a different approach to understanding one big thing… that changed it all, I wasn't doing anything wrong… MY BUSINESS WAS NOT ALIGNED TO ME!

Can you relate?

So much effort & time,
but very little success 😢 

“Before I met Lindsay, I had put so much time & effort into my business but was still nowhere close to where I wanted to be. Was it time for me to give up & go work for someone else?”

$$$$ on coaches & courses
but NO results!

“I had spent thousands of dollars on coaches and courses that made big promises …. but they never seemed to deliver any real results. Was I not working hard enough?”

Everyone else seems to be
killing it on social media… 

“Other people (including my competitors) seemed to be killing it on social media, but for some reason, I wasn't getting any traction. Why wasn't it working for me? What was I doing wrong?”

Repeat after me

"I have a higher purpose and deserve to live an abundant and extraordinary life;

this is my birthright!"